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The Daily Propaganda

Propaganda and how it might have worked before the internet

Front page of the Daily Express for Tuesday April 22nd 2014.

Something for the weekend

Fishing for compliments?

A short while ago we presented you with the photograph of Alistair Darling and asked you to come up with some suitable captions.

Our country, our Scotland, our independence

Bairns not Bombs

Alex Salmond delivered a passionate speech at the SNP conference which focused on using a Yes vote as a platform to build a better Scotland. In one part of his speech he gave a "cast iron guarantee" that Trident would be removed from an independent Scotland and instead "we would build a system of childcare that will be the envy of the world."

Our future Prime Minister

If Scotland votes No

We had considered writing an April Fools' story for today but frankly most of the No campaign scare stories are so ridiculous that a hoax in comparison would seem sane.

No campaign "Sunk"

The anti-independence campaign will do anything to get people to vote No

Newspaper front page and archive photograph presents opportunity for our first photo caption competition. See below for details.

Arrivederci Roma

Veneto residents vote for independence

After a week long referendum in the Veneto region residents have overwhelmingly voted to regain their independence reports The Telegraph. Out of 2.36 million votes cast 2.1 million were in favour of independence or nearly 89%. Veneto roughly equates to the area of the Venetian Republic which was an independent state for more than 1,000 years until it was incorporated into the Austrian Empire and then into the Kingdom of Italy in 1866.

Europe, we will vote!

Come to Brussels on March 30th

People of Scotland - we are not alone.

Tory Party Conference Special

Yes Scotland campaigner banned

The Sunday Post is reporting that Henry Christian a life-long Conservative supporter and Yes Scotland campaigner was banned from attending the Tory Party conference in Edinburgh this weekend. Mr. Christian who has been a member of the Tory party for more than 25 years, was a branch vice-chairman in Edinburgh West and had stood for election as a Conservative candidate in the 2012 council elections was due to attend the conference until party bosses heard he supported independence.

Labour's Devolution Commission Report

Further analysis

In our previous article [not available, email only] took a cheap shot at Labour's Devolution Commission final report by suggesting we would list the major policy announcements and then presenting a blank page. The cheap shot was justified as the report itself is vacuous, filled with ambiguous statements and political double speak. Real positive policies which could improve the lives of Scots are nowhere to be found.

Can. Should. Must.

New campaign launch by Yes Scotland

Yesterday's sneak preview of the Yes Scotland billboard was indeed a precursor of the new campaign launch. The following snippets comes from an article by Yes Scotland strategist Stephen Noon.

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