Our future Prime Minister

If Scotland votes No

We had considered writing an April Fools' story for today but frankly most of the No campaign scare stories are so ridiculous that a hoax in comparison would seem sane.

Instead we thought we would show you (or perhaps remind you) what our future Prime Minister looks like should the No campaign succeed.

As ripe as the image above may be for some funny comments we will hold off doing so until another day. Instead, may we remind you that you can still submit a caption for our Alistair Darling photograph. Though you better be quick because who knows how long our Alistair will still be "in charge" as he has been criticised yet again by his big boss feartie Cameron.

Now, pictures of Boris and talk of the No campaign winning may distress some of our readers. So, we thought we needed to end on a high. The following photograph, taken by John Finnie MSP, of a banner on Culduthel Road in Inverness will certainly raise a chuckle or two (if you know that Culduthel Road is also home to a certain broadcaster).


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