Can. Should. Must.

New campaign launch by Yes Scotland

Yesterday's sneak preview of the Yes Scotland billboard was indeed a precursor of the new campaign launch. The following snippets comes from an article by Yes Scotland strategist Stephen Noon.

"With six months to go to the referendum, the Yes campaign is moving up another gear. Between now and the 18 September, Yes Scotland will be rolling out three key messages – we CAN, SHOULD and MUST be independent."

"Scotland is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. The Financial Times says that an independent Scotland would start life with healthier finances than the rest of the UK. There is no doubt that we CAN be independent."

"We SHOULD be independent because we will have a better future if key decisions are taken by the people who care most about Scotland - people who live and work here."

"And we MUST be independent to bring an end to policies we don't support - like the Bedroom Tax and austerity economics - being imposed by Westminster governments we don't vote for. Voting Yes puts Scotland's future in Scotland's hands."

Advertising campaign elements

  • Our campaign starts with two poster images on hundreds of billboard sites the length and breadth of Scotland, one focusing on the idea of "we can" and the second bringing in an element of "we should".
  • Over the month of March, a series of full-page newspaper adverts will provide Scotland-wide coverage.
  • Millions of new leaflets and handouts are being provided to the more than 250 Yes Scotland local groups to deliver mass reach and awareness of the campaign.


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