Viewing posts for the category Billboards
Many of you will already be aware of the Mis-reporting Scotland campaign being launched by Inform Scotland. This coming Monday, January 16th, a series of giant billboards will appear in cities across Scotland questioning the BBC's impartiality in the reporting of Scottish politics. The purpose of the billboards are to draw people to the Inform Scotland website where they can read for themselves how our media are failing to accurately report and communicate.
Unlike our previous story regarding the Lucozade billboards a real Yes Scotland advertisement has been spotted in the wild. We expect the Yes Scotland advertisements to appear across the country soon.
For those of us who don't see billboards on a regular basis (that'll be most of the Highlands for a start) we present Lucozade's latest campaign advertisement. Yes Scotland don't have any connection with the campaign (at least that we know about) but they must be delighted.