Union Day

Vast crowds pack Freedom Square to celebrate great occasion

Come on chaps, cheer up, it coud be worse you might have lost the referendum.

So, a huge crowd gather in Glasgow today to celebrate what they want to name "Union Day". Apart from the lack of spontaneous gaiety in their faces there is something else lacking...


any other people! Someone has obviously been paying attention to the technique used by former MP Jim Murphy who was likewise photographed in front of adoring "crowds".

We wonder if this is the same "crowd" who applied for permission from the council to hold a rally on the same day as Hope Over Fear. Many thanks to KevR for the heads up on this story and for the photographs.


On a completely different topic we were glad, on this day of all days, to see the return of this gentleman making Yes statements. Don't worry we are not stopping until the job is done.

We are all Still Yes.


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