More powers pledge demolished

Boris Johnson makes a calculated statement prior to the referendum

In what can only be considered a calculated statement 6 weeks before the referendum Boris Johnson has demolished the more powers pledge made by the No campaign parties only 5 days ago.


In related news, according to the Sunday Times, Boris Johnson has said he wants to lead the Conservative party and intends to stand for the Westminster parliament in the 2015 general election.

Johnson's "no more powers" statement must be designed to appeal to what he considers to be the majority Tory view and undermine current Conservative leader David Cameron.

If Scotland delivered a No vote on September 18th it would significantly strengthen David Cameron's position as Tory leader as he could claim to be the saviour of the union. That would not suit Johnson's leadership ambitions. Johnson's statement could be a way of undermining Cameron and appealing to a large constituent of MPs, and UKIP candidates, opposed to more powers for Holyrood.


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